Create the ultimate luxury wedding confetti photo with this stunning Luxury Confetti Cone Box, complete with 25 pre-rolled confetti cones and your choice of 2 Litres of our Biodegradable, freeze dried rose or hydrangea petals. Choose from a range of perfectly sized confetti cones, and a wide range of real petals to showcase your confetti to guests on your wedding day.
Ask your bridesmaids or pageboys to offer your wedding guests petal confetti filled cones, one per guest for a stunning special touch to get Insta-worthy confetti photos of your wedding day to cherish for years to come.
The confetti cone box arrives to you with a tray inside to hold all the confetti cones in place and a lid to use as a pretty memory box after your special occasion.
Your natural hydrangea or rose petals will arrive in a sealed box and your cones are already pre-rolled. Ask your wedding planner or bridal squad to open the box, placed the confetti cones in the tray and fill the cones either the night before or morning of the wedding to make sure the rose petals look at their best.
All our petals are biodegradable and eco-friendly, making them perfect for throwing confetti at weddings, baby showers, celebrations and special occasions.
We freeze dry only the highest quality petals using state-of-the-art technology. This slows down the natural biodegrading process by removing the moisture, and keeping the petals looking at their best for up to 3 months; giving you the perfect opportunity to use them for your celebration. Most event venues and churches recommend biodegradable confetti.
At you wedding, use the rose petals as table decorations, flower girl petals, throwing confetti or petal path decoration.
Confetti Cone Box: 25cm x 10cm
2 Litre Box (enough for approx. 16 handfuls) = 17cm x 10cm x 12cm