How many petals will I need?

Petal Calculator

Find out how many petals you will need for your special occasion’s throwing, scattering and decorating using the calculators below.

Move the slider to set your requirements and see the calculation update automatically.

If your needs are greater than the guide quantities provided then please get in touch with us and we will gladly advise and discuss options with you.

Step 1. What Are Your Petals For?

1 litre = 8-10 handfuls

Step 2. Number of Guests Attending: 10

1 litres will allow for a handful of confetti per guest

Step 2. Square metres of aisle or path: 1

litres will provide a light scattering of petals for your length of aisle or path. If you are looking for a heavier scattering please contact us for advice

Step 2. Number of tables (each seating 8-10 guests): 2

litres will provide a generous scattering of petals for your number of tables